Бурятская гимназия №29



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Обучающее электронное пособие

на сайте Бурятской гимназии №29




Идея: Сультимова Ж.Б.,

директор Бурятской Гимназии №29

Авторы: Баяртуева Д.Д.,

учитель английского языка Бурятской Гимназии №29

Чебунина Т.К.,

учитель английского языка Бурятской Гимназии №29


г. Улан – Удэ





Английский язык

10 – 11 классы

Обучающее электронное пособие

на сайте Бурятской гимназии №29


Дорогой друг! Данное пособие создано для тебя. Эти тесты могут быть полезны при сдаче ЕГЭ, на рубежных и итоговых аттестациях. Также они помогут тебе подготовиться к олимпиадам, к конкурсам для поступления в Вузы, быть конкурентноспособным в лингвистической и культурологической компетенции. Форма тестов позволит проверить уровень базовых знаний,  расширить лексический запас, усвоить новые сведения, а также освоить способы деятельности в интерактивном режиме. Также форма тестов позволит оценить уровень и объем собственной страноведческой компетенции.

Эта программа представлена в виртуальном режиме на сайте Бурятской Гимназии №29 в разделе Школа «Виртуал».

Материалы оригинальны тем, что «упакованы» в тестовую форму и приспособлены для интерактивного обучения, в них определены разные уровни усвоения, а самое интересное - есть возможность оценить самого себя.





The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland

a)      The 1st  level …………………………………………………………………………… 3

b)      The 2nd level …………………………………………………………………………… 7

c)      The 3rd level ………………………………………………………... …………………..9

The United States of America

a)       The 1st level ………………………………………....  …………………………………12

b)       The 2nd level …………………………………………………………………………… 15

c)       The 3rd level ………………………………………… …………………………………17


All levels ……………………………………………….. ……………………………………21


All levels ……………………………………………………………………………………...24

New Zealand

All levels ……………………………………………………………………………………..29






The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland

                                        (the 1st level)


1. What contries does the United Kingdom consist of?

a)     England, Scotland, Wales

b)    Great Britain & Northern Ireland

c)     England & Scotland

     d) Great Britain, Northern Ireland and The Irish Republic.


2. What countries does Britain include?

     a) England, Scotland, Wales                   b) Great Britain and Northern Ireland

     c) England & Scotland                 d) England, Wales


3. Which is the most densely – populated country of the United Kingdom?

     a) England b) Wales c) Scotland d) Northern Ireland


4. What does England consist of?

     a) districts b) states c) counties d) regions


5. What is the highest mountain in the United Kingdom?

a) Ben Nevis b) Snowdon c) the Adirondack Mountains d) the Ozark Mountain Range


6. What is the highest mountain in England & Wales?

     a) The Mourne mountains b) Ben Nevis c) The Cheviot Hills Mountains d) Snowdon


7. Where is the mountain Snowdon situated?

     a) in England b) in Wales  c) in Ireland  d) in Scotland


8. What range of hills is known as the “backbone of England”?

     a) the Adirondack Mountains      b) the Ozark Mountain Range

     c) the Appalachian Mountains      d) the Pennine Chain


9. What river is the longest in Britain?

     a) The Thames b) the Severn c) the Tay d) the Tweed


10. What river is Glasgow situated on?

     a) The Severn b) the Taff c) the Clyde d) the Shannon


11. What is the Loch?

     a) A person who is not clever b) a lake c) a valley d) a dale


12. What is the currency of the country?

     a) pound, consisting of 100 pence  b) dollar, consisting of 100 nickels

     c) pound, consisting of 100 cents d) pound, consisting of 100 nickels



13. Where is the Lake District in the U.K.?

     a) in the north-east of Scotland  b) in the north-east of Wales

     c) in the west of Northern Ireland  d) in the north-east of England


14. What country in Britain is called a “Land of Song”?

      a) Wales b) England c) Scotland d) Northern Ireland


15. What is the emblem of Scotland?

      a) the Leek  b) the Rose  c) the Thistle  d) the Shamrock


16. What do Welshmen wear on St. David’s Day?

      a) a rose or a daffodil  b) a shamrock c) a leek or a daffodil

      d) a thistle or a leek


17. What is the Union Jack? 

      a) the prince  b) the flag of Britain  c) the king of Britain

      d) one of the towers in Westminster


18. What can we see on the Welsh flag?

       a) 3 crosses b) a leek c) a dragon d) a daffodil


19. When did Caesar come from Rome to Isles?

a) 55 B.S.        b) 55 A.D.            c) 43 A.D.       d) 43 B.C.


20. Who came to the British Isles after the Romans had left Britain?

a) the Normans  b) Anglo-Saxons  c) the Britons    d) the Danes


21. Who brought Latin and French civilization to Britain?

a) the Normans   b) the Saxons  c) the Danes  d) the Romans


22. Who was the 1st king to be crowned in Westminster Abbey?

a) King Alfred        b) Henry VII         c) Henry VIII   d) William the Conqueror


23. What misfortune fell upon London in 1665?

a) the Great Flood      b) the Plague c) the Great Fire  d) the Great Earthquake


24. Who is the head of the state in the U.K.?

a) Prime Minister    b) Major  c) Queen     d) Speaker


25. Who is the head of the government in the U.K.?

a) Queen   b) Speaker    c) Lord Chancellor    d) Prime Minister   


26. Who presides over the House of Commons?

a)  Speaker   b) Prime Minister    c) Lord Chancellor    d) Major


27. The Speaker occupies the central place in the House of Commons. Who sits on his right?

a) the Opposition  b) Independent members c) Government supporters   d) the Queen


28. Which statement is the right one? The Queen …

a) rules and governs  b) reigns but does not  rule c) reigns and  rules   

d) rules but does not reign


29. What kind of body is British Parliament?

a) judicial b) social c) executive d) legislative


30. Who elects the members of the House of Commons?

a) Queen   b) Prime Minister   c) electors d) House of Lords  


31. How often are elections held in the U.K.?

a) once in five years b) once in four years c) once in three years d) once in six years


32. Which part of London is the heart of business & commercial life of London?

a) the City b) the East End c) the West End d) Westminster


33. What is the Mansion House?

a) the residence of the Queen b) the residence of the Speaker

c) the residence of the Lord Mayor  d) the  residence of  the Prime-Minister


34. What monument can we see in the center of Trafalgar Square?

a) the Statue of Eros b) the Nelson’s Column c) the Monument to Queen Victoria

d) the Monument to Peter Pan.


35. What is the financial centre of London?

a) the West End b) the City c) the East End d) Westminster


36. What is the crowing place of British monarchs?

a) Westminster Abbey b) St. Paul’s Cathedral c) the Tower d) Buckingham Palace


37. Where are many famous people buried?

a) Westminster Abbey b) St. Paul’s Cathedral c) the Tower d) Westminster.


38. What is the Tower nowadays?

a) a palace b) a prison c) a museum d) a church


39. The Whispering Gallery is situated in…

 a) the Tower b) Westminster Abbey c) Covent Garden d) St. Paul’s Cathedral


40. What is the name of the most famous clock in Britain?

a) Big Clock b) Big John c) Big Apple d) Big Ben

41. What is the Barbican?

a) a river b) a fish c) an art gallery d) a hotel


42. What park is Speaker’s Corner in?

a) Kensington Gardens b) St. James’s Park c) Hyde Park d) Green Park


43. What London street is famous for shops?

a) Oxford Street b) Whitehall  c) Soho d) Bloomsbеry


44. What London street is famous as the centre of journalists?                                             a) Leicester Square b) Piccadilly Circus c) Fleet Street d) Bond Street


45. What is the name of the London Royal Opera House?

a) The National Theater b) Old Vic Theater c) Covent Garden d) the Barbican


46. What is Whitehall?

a) a financial center b) a street where government offices are situated c) a street of beautiful shops d) a palace


47. A statue of Eros is situated…

a) in Trafalgar Square b) in Leicester Square c) in Bond Street d) in Piccadilly Circus 


48. What is Soho?   

a) The district of cinema – producers b) a loading house district c) a street where the prominent representatives of medical profession live d) the centre of government offices


49. What is Eisteddfod?

a) a city b) a festival c) a dance d) a country


50. What is haggis?

a) a dress b) a toy c) a drink d) a dish


51. When do Englishmen eat dinner?

a) at 6 p.m. b) at 11 a.m.  c) at 9 p.m. d) at 2 p.m.


52. When is Halloween celebrated?

a) on March 17  b) on November 31   c) on October 31    d) on October 15


53. When do Englishmen celebrate Hogmanay?

a) on December 25  b) on December 31  c) on November 5 d) on October 31


54. Wimbledon is associated with

a) horse-racing   b) soccer c) tennis d) cricket



55. A rugby is a game where

a) an oval ball can be handled b) a round ball is kicked                                                        c) an oval ball can be handled and kicked  d) a round ball can be handled and kicked


The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland

(the 2nd level)


1. How did the Romans call Britain?

    a) the Land of Song  b) Albion  c) the Green Island 


2. When did the country’s official name become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

    a) 1801 b) 1603 c) 1535 d) 1921


3. What is the name of Southern extremity of Great Britain?

    a) Gohn o’Groats b) Land’s End


4. What mountain separates England from Scotland?

    a) the Pennine Chain  b) the Cheviot Hills c) the Cumbrians d) the Shetlands


5. What county of England is called “The Garden of England”?

    a) Kent b) Somerset c) Devon d) Cornwall


6. What city is a religious capital in England and is regarded as the cradle of English Christianity?

   a) Windsor b) York c) Canterbury d) Coventry


7. What county is the largest in England?

   a) Devonshire b) Staffordshire c) Yorkshire d) Lincolnshire


8. What is the name of the highest mountain in England?

   a) Ben Nevis  b) Snowdon  c) Ward Hill  d) Scafell Pike


9. England is divided into counties. What is Scotland divided into?

   a) countries b) regions c) counties d) districts


10. Many people in Scotland have the name McDonald. What does “Mac” mean?

    a) son of  b) mother’s name  c) from family of  d) comes from


11. What is the official residence of the Queen in Scotland?

     a) Edinburgh Castle b) The Palace of Holyrood c) Cardiff Castle d) Caernarfon


12. What are the inhabitants of Ireland in origin?

      a) Celtic b) Saxon c) Briton d) Norman


13. Some people call their country Cymru. What country is it?

      a) Scotland b) Wales c) Ireland d) England


14. What island is called the “Emerald Isle”?

      a) Great Britain b) Orkney c) Ireland d) the Hebrides


15. What country did the Romans give the name Caledonia?

      a) Wales b) England c) Scotland d) Ireland


16. When was the first treaty between England and Russia?

      a) 1634 b) 1534 c) 1834 d) 1734


17. When was Scotland joined into the U.K.?

      a) 1536 b) 1921 c) 1651 d) 1707


18. What does the Celtic Word “avon” mean?

      a) a city  b) a river  c) a town  d) a mountain


19. What language became official in England in the 13th century?

      a) Old English b) Anglo-Saxon c) Norman-French d) Latin


20. When did the Romans first invade Britain?

      a) in the 3rdc. A.D. b) in the 1stc. B.C. c) in the 1stc. A.D. d) in the 3rdc. B.C.


21. Who is the patron of Scotland?

      a) St. Patrick b) St. George c) St. Andrew d) St. David


22. Who is the patron of England?

      a) St. Patrick b) St. George c) St. Andrew d) St. David


23. What is the symbol of the Speaker’s power?

      a) the woolsack  b) the bell  c) the crown  d) the mace


24. What is the nickname of the Liberal Party?

     a) the Whigs  b) the Tories  c) the Elephant  d) the Liberals


25. What is the name of the Conservative Party?

     a) the Whigs  b) the Tories  c) the Elephant  d) the Terra


26. Who is in Shadow cabinet?

     a) the party with majority of seats  b) Prime Minister 

c) House of Commons        d) the party in the official opposition


27. Who was the founder of the Lake School of poets?

     a) G.G. Baron  b) R.L. Stevenson  c) W. Wordsworth  d) R. Burns

28. What is the emblem of the world famous Edinburgh Festival of Music and Drama?

     a) the poppy b) the daffodil  c) the thistle  d) the leek


29. What is a limerick?

     a) a song  b) a game  c) a poem d) a dance


30. What is tartan?

     a) a bird  b) an animal  c) a pattern of the Kilt  d) a singer



 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

(3rd level)


1. When did the country’s official name become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and a new national flag “Union Jack” was established? 

a) 1801        b) 1603       c) 1535      d) 1921


2. The English Channel separates Great Britain from France. It’s one of the most dangerous shipping routes in the world. Half of all the world’s ship collisions take place between the Western End of the channel and the Baltic. Why is the route so dangerous?

a) the waters are shallow    b) the waters are deep                                                                 c) a strong tide running up the Channel from the South, and another coming down from the North create very strong currents    d) the route was unexplored


3. What is a dale?

a) a hill   b) a valley   c) a rock   d) a river


4. What is the largest lake in the British Isles?

a) Lough –Lomond   b) Lough-Neagh   c) Loch-Ness    


5. How many lakes are there in the Lake District?

a) 10    b) 5     c) 16   d) 20


6. What is the swiftest-flowing river in the UK?

a) the Tames   b) the Tweed   c) the Avon    d) the Spey


7. What river forms the boundary between England and Scotland?

a) the Tay   b) the Tweed    c) the Spey  d) the Avon


8. What city in Scotland is called the Granite city?

a) Edinburgh   b) Glasgow   c) Aberdeen   d) Inverness


9. What city of Great Britain is called Athens of the North?

a) Edinburgh   b) Glasgow   c) Aberdeen    d) Inverness


10. What city was the ancient capital of Scotland?

a) Aberdeen    b) Perth      c) Dundee       d) Edinburgh


11. Why is Aberdeen the most important city in the Highlands?

a) the most ancient  b) the oil centre of Scotland  c) the largest  d) the cultural centre


12. What bird is the national bird of the UK?

a) blackbird   b) sparrow   c) Robin Redbreast   d) starling


13. Who were the earliest known people of Britain?

a) the Celts   b) the Danes    c) the Anglo-Saxons  d) the Iberians


14. Where do people speak Gaelic?

a) in Scotland and Ireland         b) in Scotland and Wales

c) in Ireland and Wales             d) in Scotland and England


15. What letter of letters can be found at the beginning of many common Welsh names?

a) Mac.   b) Kil   c) “p”    d) O’


16. Where are ancient monuments such as Stonehenge found in Great Britain?

a) in Southern England  b) in Scotland  c)  in Wales  d) In Northern Ireland


17. What are the Quakers?

a) a nationality b)a music group  c) a religions movement  d) a river


18. What is Cockney?

a) a city  b) an accent  c) a bird  d) an animal 


19. What is a plaid?

a) a pouch  b) a long piece of woolen cloth with tartan pattern  c) a bonnet   d) a dress


20. Who wears a bonnet in Scotland?

a) women b) children c) men  d) men,  women, children


21. Who are party whips?

a) party leaders     b) the Speaker and party leaders  c) party organizers who are not paid       d) party organizers who receive special salaries for their duties


22. When the number presents in the House drops below… the debate in the House of Commons is suspended.

a) 40                     b) 300         c) 150         d) 50


23. What is the name of the annual horse race at Epsom Downs?

a) Ascot      b) the Royal Races         c) Royal Ascot     d) the Derby


24. Where is Hogmanay celebrated?

a) in Wales  b) in Northern Ireland  c) in Scotland  d) in England


25. What is the name of the most famous of all British newspapers which has never been connected with any party or government?

a) The Guardian    b) The Times        c) The Daily Express      d) The Financial Times 


26. This game can last for three days with six hour’s game on each day. What game is this?

a) tennis      b) cricket     c) soccer      d) bowls


27. In Scotland Yard there is General Crime Map, the Accidents Map and the Vehicles Recovered Map. What room are these Maps in?

a) Map Room       b) the 999 Room  c)  Operator’s Room      d) General Crime Room


28. Robert Peel was the founder of English police in the 19th century. What are the nicknames for British police?

a) “cop”      b) “ Peels”  c) “ bobbies” and “ Peelers”    d) “ bobby”


29. What did Charles Mackintosh, a Scottish chemist, invent?

a)  an umbrella      b) galoshes           c) rubbers  d) waterproof cloth for raincoats


30. Who was the first President of the Royal Academy of Arts founded in London in 1768?

a) J. Reynolds       b) W. Hogarth      c) J. M. W. Turner         d) Constable    























The United States of America

(the 1st level)


1.     Christopher Columbus landed in America in:

a)     1620

b)    1942

c)     1492

d)    1547


2.     Washington, D.C., is a:

a)     state

b)    country

c)     district

d)    city


3.     How many states are there in America?

a)     50

b)    52

c)     25

d)    13


4.     Who arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620?

a)     the Indians

b)    the pilgrims

c)     the French

d)    the Spaniards


5.     In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

a)     December

b)    February

c)     November

d)    August


6.     Who built the first car?

a)     Benjamin Franklin

b)    Alexander Graham Bell

c)     Henry Ford

d)    Harriet Tubman


7.     What is the capital of Georgia?

a)     Atlanta

b)    San Francisco

c)     Los Angeles

d)    Boston


8.     What is the tallest building in the world?

a)     the Empire State Building

b)    the Sears Tower

c)     the Washington Monument

d)    the Capitol


9.     Who fought against racial discrimination in the 1960’s?

a)     Martin Luther King, Jr

b)    Frank Lloyd Wright

c)     Emily Dickson

d)    Abraham Lincoln


10. The statue of Liberty was a gift from…

a)     Italy

b)    England

c)     France

d)    Russia


11. What is the capital of Massachusetts?

a)     St Louis

b)    Memphis

c)     Boston

d)    Atlanta


12. A famous American artist is:

a)     Norman Rockwell

b)    Jack London

c)     Robert Lee Frost

d)    Elvis Presley


13. The first university in America was:

a)     Boston University

b)    Harvard

c)     MIT

d)    Oxford


14. Who was the first president of the United States?

a)     Thomas Jefferson

b)    Abraham Lincoln

c)     George Washington

d)    George Bush





15.  A popular American food is:

a)     barbecue ribs

b)    haggis

c)     fish and chips

d)    barbecued chicken


16. Who discovered America?

a)     Christopher Columbus

b)    George Washington

c)     The pilgrims

d)    Amerigo Vespucci


17. What is the national symbol of America?

a)     The rose

b)    The bald eagle

c)     The shamrock

d)    The Statue of Liberty


18. Where is the Statue of Liberty?

a)     In New York

b)    In Massachusetts

c)     In California

d)    In Washington


19. The American flag has…

a)     thirteen stripes

b)    thirty stripes

c)     fifty stripes

d)    ten stripes


20. Where is the tallest building (skyscraper) in the world?

a)     In New York City

b)    In Chicago

c)     In San Francisco

d)    In Atlanta


21. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?

a)     July 4

b)    December 25

c)     February 14

d)    January 1





22. What is the national sport in America?

a)     football

b)    soccer

c)     baseball

d)    softball


23. Who was the first man on the Moon?

a)     Yuri Gagarin

b)    John Glenn

c)     Neil Armstrong


24. How many chambers has the American parliament?

a)     4

b)    3

c)     2

d)    6


25. What is the second largest city in the United States?

a)     New York

b)    San Francisco

c)     Washington

d) Chicago



The United States of America.

(2nd level)


1.     Where is the highest peak in the USA?

a)     in the Appalachian Mountains             c) in the Highland regions

b)    in the Cordillera                                   d) in Sierra Nevada


2.     What is the main river which flows into the Gulf of Mexico?

a)     The Colorado                                    c) The Mississippi

b)    The Columbia                                   d) The Saint Lawrence River


3.     Which Lake doesn’t belong to the five Great Lakes?

            a) Lake Superior                                     c) The Great Salt Lake

            b) Lake Huron                                         d) Lake Ontario


4. What river connects the Five Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean?

            A) The Hudson River                             c) the Colorado

            b) The Saint Lawrence River                 d) the Ohio

5. How are the central lowlands called?

            a) The Mississippi valley                       c) the eastern lowlands

            b) the prairie                                           d) The Missouri valley

6. Where is Hollywood, the center of the US film business?

       Not far from:

            a) New York                                          c) San Francisco

            b) Detroit                                               d) Los Angelis


7. One of the first towns which was built on the Atlantic coast of America

            a) Boston                                               c) Chicago

            b) Washington                                       d) New York


8. It is a big port and a shipbuilding centre:

             a) Detroit                                              c) Philadelphia

             b) San Francisco                                  d) New York


9. Fresh fruit and vegetables come all the year round from the southern regions of

            a) Alabama                                            c) Arizona

            b) Florida                                               d) Virginia


10. The present constitution was proclaimed in 1787 in

            a) Washington                                       c) Philadelphia

            b) New York                                         d) San Francisco


11. The oldest political party is

            a) The Republican Party                       c) The Communist Party

            b) The Democratic Party                       d) The Conservative Party


12. The senators are elected to serve for a period of

            a) 6                                                        c) 4

            b) 2                                                        d) 3


13. How many senators are there in Congress?

            a) 50                                                      c) 435

            b) 100                                                    d) 200


14. Who was the leader of the National Association for the Advancement                       of Coloured People (NAACP)?

            a) John Brown                                       c) Paul Robeson

            b) Martin Luther King                           d) Abraham Lincoln


15. What is the largest state in the USA compared to all other states?

            a) California                                          c) Texas

            b) Alaska                                              d) Nevada


16. The First State to ratify the Constitution of the US was

            a) Delaware                                         с)  Nebraska

            b) Illinois                                             d) Washington

17. The Land of Lincoln is

          a) Washington                                      c) Kansas

          b) Illinois                                              d) New York


18. The Bread and Butter State and The Wheat State is

          a) Minnesota                                        c) Kansas

          b) New Jersey                                      d) Alabama


19. The poorest district of New York, where more than one million Negroes lives is

          a) Manhattan                                        c) Harlem

          b) Broadway                                        d) Brooklyn


20. When Maxim Gorky visited the city of gold in 1906 he called it “The City of Yellow Devil”.  What city is it?

          a) San Francisco                                   c) Chicago

          b) Washington                                      d) New York


21 What holiday do the Americans celebrate on the 4th of July?

          a) Thanksgiving Day                            c) Independence Day

          b) Memorial Day                                  d) Decoration Day


22 Who is the inventor of the electric lamps and the gramophone?

          a) Alva Edison                                        c) Henry Ford

          b) Michael Faraday                               d) Alexander Graham Bell


23 In what game do the teams wear special clothing and helmets?

          a) football                                             c) Soccer

          b) baseball                                            d) softball


24 Who is the game of golf played by?

          a) men                                                  c) children

          b) women                                             d) both men and women


25 The water of the Niagara River is falling from a hill… metres high

          a) 25                                                     c) 50

          b) 57                                                      d) 72


The United States of America

                                                (the 3rd level)


1.     Vermont is generally translated as “Green Mountain State” from

a)     Spanish

b)    Italian

c)     French

d)    German


2.     What state has these nicknames: the “Alligator State”, the Everglade State, the “Land of Flowers”, “the Mocking – Bird State”, the “Orange State”.

a)     Virginia

b)    Florida

c)     Vermont

d)    Caroline


3.     Where does cactus grow?

a)     in Northwest

b)    in the lower Mississippi River valley

c)     in Southwest

d)    in Upper Great Lakes region


4.     “Yankee” may mean …

a)     a Northerner

b)    an American

c)     people who live in England

d)    an Indian


5.     Who were the first Europeans to settle Manhattan?

a)     The Dutch

b)    The Spaniards

c)     The English

d)    The Italians


6.     Where can you find a collection of paintings by European masters of 14-th – 19-th centuries?

a)     in Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.

b)    in Frick Collection.

c)     in Metropolitan Museum.

d)    in American Museum of Natural History. 


7.     Manhattan was bought from the Indians for the price of … dollars worth

a)     100 dollars

b)    24 dollars

c)     42 dollars

d)    1 500 dollars


8.     Chinatown has nearly … restaurants

a)     200

b)    50

c)     250

d)    100


9.     What is the single largest religious group in the USA?

a)     Protestants

b)    Lutherans

c)     Catholics

d)    Moslem


10.  How many basic levels are there in the USA educational system?

a)     three

b)    six

c)     four

d)    five


11. On what day will you see many Jack - 0’ – lanterns?

a)     New Year’s Day

b)    Christmas

c)     Columbus Day

d)    Halloween


12. What was the reason for the first Thanksgiving Day?

a)     Thanks God for good harvest

b)    Thanks Indians for help

     c)  Thanks King James I

     d)  Thanks good and warm weather


13. What is the largest river in Alaska?

a)     The Yukon

b)    The Snake

c)     The Wailuku

d)    The Savannah


14. The first inhabitants of North America were

a)     Indians & Dutch

b)    Indians & Eskimos

c)     Indians & Spaniards

d)    Indians &  Englishmen


15. What is the English for “исполнительная власть в США”?

a) legislative power                        c) judicial power

b) executive power                         d) separation of powers


16. What is the residence of the president of the USA?

a) Executive Office                        c) Executive Mansion

b) White House Office                   d) Administration



17. Do you know how to say “Нью-Йоркский диалект”?

a) New Yorkish                              c) New Yorkise

b) New Yorker                               d) New Yorkize


18. What is the symbol of American advertising business?

a) Fifth Avenue                              c) Broadway

b) Park Avenue                              d) Madison Avenue


19. It is the largest stadium for mass rallies and concerts.

a) Time Square                               c) Central Park

b) Madison Square Garden            d) Union Square


20. This is the market of Boston known as “Cradle of Liberty”

a) Faneuil Hall                                c) Back Bay

b) Beacon Hill                                d) Cage Cod


21. “The salaried or professional workers whose jobs generally do not involve manual   labour” means

a) “blue collars”                              c) “red collars”

b) “white collars”                            d) “gold collars”


22. “The Big House”, “Potomac Palace”, “Tee-Dee”, “Squirrel Cage”, “Concrete Carousel”, “Target A” all these nicknames are of

a) White House                               c) The Capitol

b) The Pentagon                              d) The Supreme


23. It is a similar block of imperialist powers formed by the USA

a) NATO                                         c) SEATO

b) CENTO                                      d) BMT


24. Where is “Disney World”, a large amusement park?

a) in Florida                                    c) in New York

b) in California                               d) in Washington


 25. Where was Gold discovered in 1859?

a) in Nevada                                   c) in Alaska

b) in California                               d) in Oregon










1.     What country is Canada’s neighbour across the Arctic Ocean?

a)     the USA

b) Norway

c) Russia

      d) the UK

2.     Within how many time zones does Canada stretch?

         a) 6 

b) 5 

c) 4 

d) 3


3. How many provinces is Canada subdivided into?

a) 3

b) 10

c) 8

d) 4


4. How many oceans wash Canada’s shores?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3


5. What river is the longest in Canada?

a) the Mackenzie

b) the Columbia

c) the Fraser

d) the Saskatchewan


6. Where do the Appalachians stretch on Canada’s territory?

a) In the west

b) In the east

c) In the south

d) In the north


7. What is the highest mountain in Canada?

a) The peak of St. Elias

b) The peak of the Coast Rangers

c)  Mount Logan


8. What is the largest national park in Canada and in the world?

a) Wood Buffalo

b) Yoho National Park

c) Mount Reverstoke National Park

d) UK National Park

9. What is the capital of Canada?

a) Ottawa

b) Toronto

     c) Quebec

     d) Maitoba

10. What is Canada’s largest city?

a) Ottawa

b) Toronto

c) Quebec

d) Manitoba


11. Henry Hudson was…

a) a famous writer

b) an explorer

c) a scientist

     d) a singer


12. What is a First Nation? It’s a term that replaces…

     a) the word Indian

b) the word Inuit

c) the word Metis


13. Who is Head of State?

a) Parliament

b) Queen of Britain represented by Governor General

c) Prime Minister

d) Speaker


     14. How many members are there in the House of Commons?

         a) 282

         b) 104

         c) 635

         d) over 1000


     15. Members of which House are not elected in Canada?

         a) The House of Commons

         b) the Senate

         c) The House of Lords


     16) What University is a French language one?

         a) New Brunswick

         b) Dulhousic

         c) Mc Gill

         d) Montreal


17.     What do the dates 1897-1899 refer to?

a)     Gold Rush

b)    growing manufacturing industry

c)     growing agriculture

d)    new provinces were established

18.     Canada’s constitutional autonomy from Britain was confirmed in

a)     1949

b)    1899

c)     1931

d)    1929


19.     The Queen of England and Canada, Elizabeth II

a)     rules and governs

b)    rules but does not govern

c)     governs but doesn’t rule   


20.     How often are elections held in Canada?

a)     once in 5 years

b)    once in 4 years

c)     once in 3 years

d)    once in six years


21.     The Government is formed by...

a)     the Queen

b)    the party that wins the largest number of seats

c)     by the Governor General

d)    the Senate


22.     Who chooses the ministers from MP?

a)     the Queen

b)    the Senate

c)     the governor General

d)    the Prime Minister


23.     Canada is a maritime country. What port is the largest in Canada?

a)     Vancouver

b)    Montreal

c)     Halifax

d)    Quebec


24.     What was Stephen Leacock?

a)     a painter

b)    a writer

c)     a composer

d)    a scientist



1.     Which city is Australia’s oldest and largest?

a)     Sydney

b)    Melbourne

c)     Canberra

d)    Darwin


2.     What is the official language of Australia?

a)     French

b)    Mixed English and French

c)     English

d)    Spanish


3.     When were Olympic Games held in Sydney?

a)     1999

b)    2000

c)  2001

d)  2002


4.     When did captain James Cook discover Australia?

a)     1777

b)    1770

c)     1717

d)    1771


5.     What was Ned Kelly?

a)     a beggar

b)    a robber

c)     a bushranger

d)    a settler


6.     When did Australia become a nation within the British Empire under the queen Victoria’s rule?

a)     1901

b)    1931

c)     1851

d)    1909


7.     What is Australia?

a)     a continent

b)    a country

c)     an island

d)    all of these


8.     What variant is the right in Australian English?

a)     metre

b)    metr

c)     meter

d)    metere


9.     Who was the composer of National Anthem of Australia?

a)     Joern Utzon

b)    Peter Dodds McCormick

c)     William Batcher

d)    Tom Albiker


10. What does the large seven – pointed star represent?

a)     Southern Cross

b)    The star above the Australian night sky

c)     Six States and the Territories

d)    Doesn’t mean anything


11.  What represents the historical link with Britain?

a)     Crazy Jack

b)    Southern Cross

c)     The large star

d)    Union Jack


12. Whom was the Australian coat of arms granted by?

     a) Queen Victoria                                    c) King George

     b) Arthur Phillip                                      d) Baron Pierre de Coubertin


13. When did Europeans settle in Australia?

    a) 1488                                                      c) 1492

    b) 1788                                                      d) 1901


14. Which of two animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms?

a) kangaroo and dingo                              c) kangaroo and emu

b) kangaroo and koala                               d) koala and parrot


15. Who are the Australian natives?

a) Eskimos                c) Indians

   b) Aborigines            d) Europeans


16.  Who discovered Australia?

a) Christopher Columbus       c) Lewis and Clark

b) Captain Cook                     d) Captain Arthur Philip



17.  Australia is not a(n):

a) country                    c) city

b) island                       d) continent


18. Approximately how many nationalities live in Australia?

a) 200                          c) 75

b) 20                            d) 5


19. In which season do Australians celebrate Christmas?

a) in spring                       c) in autumn

b) in summer                   b) in winter


20. What is the acknowledged Culture Capital of Australia?

a) Sydney                     c) Brisbane

b) Canberra                  d) Melbourne


21. What is known for its superb facilities and its 115 meter webbed steel spire?

a) The National Gallery of Victoria     c) the Victorian Arts Centre

b) The Melbourne Concert Hall           d) Performing Art Museum


22. How many people can sit in the Centre houses?

a) 5,880             c) 8,850

b) 8,580             d) 5,088


23. A style of preparing food that is very popular in Australia is...

a) Barbequed food          c) fresh food

b) fried food                   d) grilled food


24. Who wasn’t in Australia from Russia?

a) Anna Pavlova             c) Konstantin Balmont

b) Fedor Shalapin           d) Peter Potoski


25. Why did Peter Potoski go to Australia?

a) to visit               c) to travell

b) to settle             d) to serve


26. The architect Joern Utson of Sydney Opera House was…

a) an American           c) a  Danish

b) an Italian                d) a Spanish


27. Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay was not: a(n)

a) zoologist           c) sailor

b) anthropologist   d) humanist



28. Miklouho-Maclay died in

a) New Guinea             c) Russia

b) Sydney                     d) Melbourne


29. Find the false answer. Aborigines know how to find water in

a) bodies of frogs           b) hollow logs

c) roots of trees              d) wet clothes


30. What building is covered by grass in Canberra?

a) The National Gallery   b) The Parliament House

c) The High Court          d) The National Science Centre


31. What kind of sport was contested in Sydney for the first time in the Olympiad in 2000?

a) Judo                           b) Taekwondo

c) Canoeing                    d) Equestrian


32. What kind of ice skating was there in 1908?

a) figure skating              b) speed skating

c) ice dancing                 d) ice – rink


33. What mammals lay soft – shelled eggs?

a) Kangaroos                  b) Platypus

c) Seals                          d) Possums


34. What mammals often have pouches in which they carry the young?

a) Koalas                        b) Echidna

c) Bats                           d) Dingoes


35. What are mammals whose young are born in a more developed state?

a) Kangaroos                  b) Dingoes

c) Wombats                            d) Moles


36. What animals are under threat and can be seen at the Taronga Zoo?

a) Possums                    b) Bandicoot

c) Emu                          d) Wombats


37. Who was born in China and had Russian – Jewish parents?

a) Duncan Gifford          b) Larry Sitsky

c) Peta Chase                 d) Peter Sjoguist


38. In what painting can you find “Horses and coach … robbers gold rush … like an American “western”?

a) “Bailed up”                          b) “Implement Blue”

c) “Wild Onion Dreaming”       d) “Ghost Gum”


39. Which country is not the nearest neighbour of Australia?

a) Indonesia                            b) Philippines

c) New Guinea                        d) New Zealand


40 Where is the largest coral reef in the world, called the Great Barrier Reef?

a) in Western Australia             b) in Victoria

c) in Queensland                      d) in Tasmania







































New Zealand.


Choose the right variant:

1. Where is New Zealand situated?

    a) in south-east of Australia;

    b) in south-west of Australia;

    c) in north-east of Australia;

    d) in north-west of Australia.


2. New Zealand includes…

    a) Stewart Islands and the Orkneys and many small islands;

    b) the North Islands and the Shetlands and many small islands;

    c) the South Islands and the Isles of Scilly and many small islands;

    d) the North and South Islands, Stewart Island and many small islands.


3. What are the highest mountains in New Zealand?

    a) The Cheviot Hills;                        b) The Southern Alps;

    c) Mount Logan;                              d) The Adirondack Mountains.


4. What is the largest lake?

    a) Lough-Neagh;                               b) Lake Taupo;

    c) Log-Ness;                                       d) Lough-Neagh.


5. What is the longest river?

    a) the Fraser;                                       b) the Tay;

    c) the Waikato;                                   d) the Trent


6. What is the national emblem of New Zealand?

     a) Kangaroo;                                      b) Koala;

     c) Dingo;                                           d)  Kiwi;


7) New Zealand is a country of…

a) a flat land                                                b) geysers and rare seismic beauty

c) a large size                                              d) few shallow lakes and deserts




8) What were the first settlers in New Zealand?

a) the Maori                                      b) the Iberians

c) the Australians                               d) the Inuits


9) What is the capital of New Zealand?

a) Dunedin                                        b) New Plymouth

c) Wellington                                    d) Auckland


10) What is the largest city in New Zealand?

a) Dunedin                                        b) New Plymouth

c) Wellington                                    d) Auckland


11) In this region there are the best ski fields and there’s the biggest volcano in New Zealand. This region has also got the biggest lake in the country. What region is it?

a) Northland                                               b) The Waikato region

c) The Taupo region                                   d) Manitoba


12) What sport is the most popular in the country?

a) Cricket                                          b) Netball

c) Cycling                                         d) Rugby


13) What plant is known as the New Zealand Christmas tree?

a) pohukawa                                               b) Kauri

c) Kohekohe                                               d) beech


14. When does winter fall?

      a) June-August;                                   b) December-February;

      c) November-January;                        d) January-March.


15. When did New Zealand grant autonomy by Britain?

      a) in 1907;     b) in 1931;     c) in 1946;     d) in 1980.


16. What is the majority of the population of New Zealand?

      a) British origin;                                 b) the Pakeha;

      c) the Maori;                                       d) the Polynesians.


17. What is the official language of the country?

      a) Australian English;                         b) American English;

      c) English and Maori;                         d) Maori and Inuits.


18. What sports are very popular between June and October?

      a) hiking;                                             b) parachuting;

      c) skiing;                                              d) surface caving.  



19. What is the most popular game in New Zealand?

      a) hockey in the grass;                         b) Rugby;

      c) soccer;                                              d) basketball.


20. What sport is the most popular in New Zealand?

      a) skiing;               b)skating;               c) making snow figures.










The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland.

1b   2a  3a   4c   5a   6d   7b   8d   9b   10c   11 b   12 a   13d   14a  15c  16c  17b  18c  19a   20b  21 a   22d   23b   24c  25d    26a   27c  28b   29d   30c  31a  32a   33c   34b   35b   36a   37a  38c   39d   40d  41c  42c   43a   44c   45c   46b    47d   48a  49b   50d   51a  52c   53b   54c   55a

1b   2a   3b  4b   5a    6c  7c    8d    9b   10a   11b    12a    13b    14c    15c    16d    17d   18b    19a   20b  21c   22b    23d   24a    25b   26d   27c   28c   29c   30c

1a     2c   3d   4b    5c   6d   7b   8a    9a   10b   11b    12c    13d    14a   15c   16a   17c   18b   19b   20d  21d   22a   23d   24c    25b    26b    27a  28c   29d   30a








                The USA.

1c     2c    3a   4b    5c     6c     7a    8b    9a     10c      11c       12a      13b      14c      15a        16a     17b     18a     19a    20b      21a      22c     23c       24c      25d

1b    2c    3c    4b    5b    6d     7a    8b    9b     10c     11b    12a      13b      14b      15b       16a     17b       18a      19c     20d       21c      22a      23a      24d      25b

1c       2b       3c      4b     5a    6b    7b    8a     9c     10a      11d      12a      13a      14b      15a       16c      17c       18d     19b     20a     21b      22b    23c       24a     25b   



1a    2c    3b    4b   5c    6a    7d    8a   9b    10c    11d    12c    13b    14c    15b    16b    17c    18a    19b    20d  

21c   22a   23a    24c    25b    26c    27c    28c    29d    30b    31b   32a    33b    34a    35b    36c    37b    38a    39b    40c




1c   2a   3b  4c   5a    6b   7c   8a    9a    10b    11b    12a   13b    14a    15b    16d   17a   18c   19b   20a   21b   22d     23a    24b    

New Zealand.

1a    2d   3b    4b   5c    6d   7b     8a   9c    10d    11c   12d   13a    14a   15b   16a   17c    18c   19b  20a


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